All Private Sessions, Online Classes, & Workshop Participants are Required to Sign the Waiver prior to their appointment.

In-Person and Live-streaming Work Terms and Conditions Cancellation and Liability Information Cancellation Policy:

If you need to cancel, please do so at least 24-hours before your appointed time or you will be charged for the session..


Your agreement to a session means that you agree to the following: I understand that I have enrolled in a program of physical activity including but not limited to body-conditioning equipment used during  yoga sessions. I hereby absolve Jennifer Gibson from any responsibility for injuries I might sustain while practicing yoga or any actions learned with or by Jennifer Gibson. I hereby release for myself, my heirs and assigns, Jennifer Gibson from any claims, demands and causes of actions arising from my participation in an exercise program. Agreement to this Cancellation and Liability Information will act as your continued agreement to all ensuing sessions, workshops and/or seminars whether in person, via Skype, Zoom or any other video conferencing tool.

Terms and Conditions Cancellation and Liability Information Cancellation Policy:

Once registered for recordings, there is a zero-cancellation policy. That means that you cannot cancel your registration for recordings once you have paid for them. There are no refunds. There are no exceptions to this policy. No sharing or reproduction of recordings is allowed.


Your agreement to this set of sessions and all ensuing sessions with Jennifer Gibson, means that you agree to the following: I understand that I have enrolled in a program of strenuous physical activity including but not limited to yoga based workouts. I hereby absolve Jennifer Gibson, from any responsibility for injuries I might sustain while practicing yoga or any actions learned with or by Jennifer Gibson, I hereby release for myself, my heirs and assigns, Jennifer Gibson from any claims, demands and causes of actions arising from my participation in an exercise program. Agreement to this Cancellation and Liability Information will act as your continued agreement to all ensuing sessions, workshops and/or seminars whether in person, via Skype, Zoom, or any other video conferencing tool.

I authorize and agree that Jennifer Gibson may take and use photographs or videos of myself as needed for its record keeping, advertising, social media and/or public relations projects and that I have no rights to the same and will not be compensated for the same. My signature is proof of my intention to execute a complete and unconditional waiver and release of all liability pursuant to the terms herein, and agreement as to all terms and conditions contained above. I am of lawful age and competent to sign this affirmation.